Free training, guidance and resources for early years settings in Nottinghamshire

Equation is working with early years settings across Nottinghamshire to make sure that more children living with domestic abuse can get support.


160,000 children in the UK live in households where domestic abuse is happening.


Any setting that cares for, or educates children from birth to five years, is in a unique position to identify and help children affected by domestic abuse.

We’re now providing free training, guidance, information and resources to help more children can get help and support. Our free training is for

  • Nurseries
  • Pre-schools
  • Foundation provisions
  • Independent schools
  • Childminders, and
  • Out of school provisions


Why sign up?

  • Choose between online or face-to-face training sessions, where we can come to you and deliver training in your workplace
  • There is no cost to you – training, guidance and resources are free
  • Be part of a better response for children affected by domestic abuse


Upcoming online training


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