About equation

Equation’s goal as a charity is for everyone to have equal, healthy relationships, in a society free from domestic abuse, sexual violence and gender inequality. 

1 in 4 women will be abused by a partner, ex or family member at some point in their lives and on average 2 women a week lose their lives because of domestic violence. The vast majority of domestic abuse is experienced by women and perpetrated by men. However, anyone can experience domestic abuse no matter their age, race, sex, gender identity, sexuality, (dis)ability, wealth, or lifestyle. Everyone has the right to equal relationships, free from abuse.  

Working primarily in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, Equation is a specialist charity with expertise to work with the whole community to reduce the impact of domestic abuse, sexual violence and gender inequality.  We ensure survivors get the most effective support to create space for action by facilitating a co-ordinated approach across the sector and providing practical tools and guidance to support survivors.  We also work to prevent domestic abuse and sexual violence by raising awareness and educating people about equal and healthy relationships.  

Help Us to End Abuse

Equation’s Annual Impact

Figures from 2020-2021

Preventing Abuse

young people educated about healthy relationships  (lower than previous years due to COVID, typical year 11,000+)

Reducing Harm

community professionals trained to give the right response at the right time to survivors of domestic abuse

Challenging Damaging Attitudes

citizens reached by awareness campaigns

Improving Safety

resources that help survivors reach local services were distributed in Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire County

Providing Support

men experiencing domestic abuse received emotional and practical support 

Make a Donation

Help create a society free from domestic abuse, sexual violence and gender inequality

What people are saying about Equation…

The GREAT Project is absolutely amazing! It totally helped my son understand why we no longer live with his dad. He can also assess a healthy/unhealthy relationship and grew up so much emotionally. 10/10


I was able to take back control of my life having received support from Equation. I feel more independent and for once in a very long time I feel more in control. Talking to you gave me a safe space.

Male Service User

I believe that all people deserve fair, equal relationships and that nobody should live with domestic violence. Equation do amazing work in our local area to move towards this as well as vital work supporting all survivors of domestic violence.

Equation Supporter

The anger session really helped me. Especially hearing how everyone else copes with their anger…I do things differently now.


Our Values

There are 5 core values that drive our work 


Our outlook is aspirational and we seek to drive forward change. We look forward to a world without domestic abuse, sexual violence and gender inequality


We challenge the status quo with tenacity and an energetic commitment to ending domestic abuse, sexual violence and gender inequality



Our work is based on solid evidence and a considered approach


We prioritise the wellbeing and safety of survivors, their children, and the whole community 


We work in partnership against domestic abuse 

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Check out the many rewarding ways you can support us

Our History

1989 – 2021


Founded as Nottinghamshire Domestic Violence Forum (NDVF) to bring together experts working against domestic abuse and violence in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. 


NDVF established a central domestic abuse training and awareness programme for local community professionals – the first organisation to do so in the area.


First developed our safety information cards to promote the new local 24 hour helpline service, which was the first in the country.  


Delivered our first healthy relationships projects in schools. 


Re-branded as ‘Equation’. Fun fact, the definition of Equation is, ‘The process of making things equal’ 


Launched our first community campaign, Reel Equality, to challenge sexism in film. We now run a range of campaigns that also raise awareness of domestic abuse and local support services. 


Launched the local domestic abuse service for men, the first and only service for men in Nottingham. 

Equation remains the central organisation in Nottingham/shire for domestic abuse training and best practice guidance, promotion of local services and prevention work in schools. 


Awarded the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, the highest award a Voluntary organisation can receive.

Support Our Work



Could pay for 30 domestic abuse cards that direct survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence in Nottingham/shire to safety



Could pay for a child in Nottingham/shire to receive our award-winning healthy relationship education 



Could pay for a Nottingham/shire police officer to be trained on how to respond to domestic abuse effectively 

Learn more about our work


We campaign to raise awareness of domestic abuse, sexual violence and gender inequality, and to signpost survivors to safety. 

Our Work with Young People

Find out about our award-winning domestic abuse prevention and healthy relationships projects for children and young people.

Our Work with Professionals

Find out more about our help for professionals to ensure survivors of domestic abuse get the right response at the right time.

How you can help

No matter how much time, money or resources you can afford to give, your support will make a difference. 


Give monthly

Could pay for four children
to take part in our early intervention projects



Give once

Could pay for one primary school child to receive our healthy relationship education program


Support equation

Check out the other ways you can support us



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