Earlier this month the government launched a comprehensive strategy for tackling violence against women and girls in the UK.

The publication of the Ending Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy for 2016-2020 is a welcome demonstration of the government’s commitment to ending gender-based violence in all its forms.

Within the strategy Secretary of State Theresa May’s clearly states the government’s goal of reducing the actual prevalence of violence against women and girls by 2020, and of seeking to make early intervention and prevention the norm.

The strategy also outlines the future role of local commissioners in appointing specialist domestic abuse services in a coherent, effective and sustainable way, as well as the need to address the behaviour of perpetrators.

A further point of note in the strategy is the commitment to ensuring that refuge accommodation, helplines, Rape Crisis centres and BME specialist services remain available, with £80m specifically budgeted for frontline work.
You can read about the key points outlined in the strategy, as well as a response to the strategy going forward, on the End Violence Against Women website.

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