Know More

Know More aims to empower girls and young women to change their own lives and avoid or exit abusive situations, by helping them:   

  • recognise their rights within relationships  
  • build their confidence in being women  
  • make positive relationship choices  

Know More has been designed in line with the British Government’s Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) strategy, which aims to use prevention work to “educate, inform and challenge young people about healthy relationships, abuse and consent, and engage men and boys in challenging VAWG.”  



Learn more about Choices, Equation’s targeted project for young men

What does Know More involve?

The first 7 sessions each focus on a different topic: 

  • Introduction to the project and boundary setting 
  • Being a woman and social expectations of womanhood 
  • Choices – tools and techniques to consider your actions and their consequences 
  • Dealing with feelings and anger 
  • Healthy Relationships – what young women deserve from a relationship 
  • The importance of personal space and raising awareness of sexual bullying 
  • Women who have achieved and positive goal setting  


All these sessions involve a range of learning techniques to maximise the young women’s engagement, knowledge retention and enjoyment. They include a range of collaborative, interactive exercises, self-reflection, fun yet challenging group activities, and role plays. The sessions also involve interactive theatre and creative performance led by *Mon0lisa Productions. However, Equation’s delivery is flexible, allowing the structure and pace to be altered to suit the young women’s needs.   

 In session 8, the project culminates in the development and presentation of a piece of creative work in conjunction with *Mon0lisa, with the creative format decided by the young women. This consolidates their learning, facilitates sharing of their learning with others and helps build pride and self-esteem. Their work is showcased in the school and can be used to inspire and promote healthy relationships to other year groups of young women.   

 What are the benefits of Know More?  

  • Young women increase their self-worth and aspirations for their future, reducing their     vulnerability to abuse and exploitation  
  • Participants learn where to go for help and support with unhealthy relationships  
  • Young women increase understanding of their rights and bodies  
  • Participants improve their skills in managing friendships and family relationships 
  • Long-term studies also suggest that interventions focussing on social and emotional wellbeing can result in a positive shift in attainment levels (Durlak et al., 2011)  

Evaluation: measuring success  

All work with young people involves a one-to-one session both Pre and Post project. This enables individual signposting to support and completion of a measurable evaluation tool.    

Following project delivery, each school receives a detailed impact report that highlights evaluated changes in knowledge and attitudes amongst the project participants, as well as what they thought of the project.   

 In 2018-19, overall the young women felt that the project had…                  

…helped them to understand what consent is, by a score of 9.5   

…changed the way they thought about being a woman, by a score of 8.5   

…helped them to understand the warning signs of unhealthy behaviour, by a score of 9.3 •  

…allowed them to see the different roles women can play, by a score of 8.1  

 …helped to improve their friendships, by a score of 7.4   

…enabled them to understand their rights and regarding their bodies, by a score of 9.5   

…helped them to know where to go for help and support with unhealthy relationships, by a score of 9.3  

Overall the young women gave The Know More Project an average score of 9/10   

We asked the students “What was the best bit about Know More?’

Creating a graffiti board to showcase our message to other young women.

Being educated by this project helped me to end an unhealthy relationship. 

Going to the radio station to record our Healthy Relationships feature. 

Understanding more about relationships.

Photo Gallery

Get in touch

Want to find out more about our projects and resources for young people? Contact us here.

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More Projects from Equation


View our high quality resources that support healthy relationships education and that tackle domestic abuse topics for children and young people


View our selection of aids for teachers and professionals working with children and young people.

Teacher Training

Sessions exploring multiple prominent and complex issues related to domestic abuse and relationships. 

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to take part in our early intervention projects


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