Domestic violence can involve physical or sexual abuse, rape, emotional abuse and isolation, coercion, threats, intimidation, economic abuse, financial control, forced marriage and honour-based violence. It can happen online as well as offline. Women who experience domestic violence may have a range of responses to it – fear, anxiety, isolation, depression, drug or alcohol misuse are all common reactions – and too often they feel blamed.

Research shows that witnessing domestic violence can be very harmful for children. The damage it causes is specifically included in the legal definition of significant harm to a child.

Family Rights Group have created a range of resources and information to support mothers affected by domestic violence. The following information links to their website and is for mothers who are involved with Children’s Services because their children are (or may be) harmed by experiencing and/ or witnessing domestic violence:


You can download their brochure, Information for mothers involved with Children’s Services because of domestic violence, here. If you want to recieve free hard copies, please email

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