An individual campaigner has been working over the last year to develop a Sexual Abuse & Violence Awareness Week for the UK. Her aim is to unite statutory and specialist sexual violence and children’s support organisations in a campaign to raise awareness and understanding of sexual violence and abuse, its prevalence and impacts. Rape Crisis has been among her supporters along with other organisations including the NSPCC, The Survivors’ Trust and Survivors UK.

The campaign invites you to use the #itsnotok hashtag on your websites and social media feeds throughout the week 1st – 7th February 2016 as you re-run any relevant campaign materials you’ve used in the past and/or to highlight your work and specialist services. You’re also encouraged to make your local MPs and councillors aware of the campaign, and to spread the word within your centres, via your mailing lists, among your partners etc.

You can find more information at the #itsnotok campaign website here.

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