How the Housing System is Failing Survivors of Abuse

How the Housing System is Failing Survivors of Abuse

Solace Women’s Aid has conducted research into the housing pathways of women and children survivors of domestic abuse who have come through Solace refuges. This research highlights systemic unfairness and discrimination against women and children fleeing domestic...

Government Launch New Strategy to End Violence Against Women

Government Launch New Strategy to End Violence Against Women

Earlier this month the government launched a comprehensive strategy for tackling violence against women and girls in the UK. The publication of the Ending Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy for 2016-2020 is a welcome demonstration of the government’s commitment...

Domestic Violence in the Workplace

Domestic Violence in the Workplace

We all know that domestic violence can happen to anyone. Survivors of abuse can be young or old, of any gender, sexuality, race, or cultural background. They may have a disability, they may not. Abuse affects 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men during their lifetime. These...

Children and Domestic Abuse

Children and Domestic Abuse

As we know, domestic abuse can take many forms. It isn’t just physical violence–  the term “domestic abuse” includes emotional, physical, sexual, financial or psychological abuse. It is any type of controlling, bullying, threatening or violent behaviour between people...

Domestic Violence and Public Services

Domestic Violence and Public Services

There’s been in-depth research into the financial cost of domestic violence in the UK in recent years. Taking into account the human cost– the women and men who are injured, traumatised and killed as a result of domestic violence, as well as their families and others...

Stalking: the Facts

Stalking: the Facts

Stalking is one of the hardest crimes to define. This is partly because stalkers often use a variety of different methods to harass and intimidate their targets– many of which, taken as one lone action, look innocent. Stalking behaviour can include regularly sending...

Child First

Child First

Women's Aid are calling on the Government, all family courts professionals, and involved agencies to make the family court process safer for women and children survivors of domestic abuse. Join their Child First campaign today and help to ensure that children are...

FGM Resource Pack

FGM Resource Pack

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is illegal in the UK. To mark the end of FGM Awareness Week we're sharing with you the updated resources available from GOV.UK. Anyone who commits FGM faces up to 14 years in prison, a fine, or both. Anyone found guilty of failing to...

Online Guidance and FAQs for Mothers Affected by Domestic Violence

Domestic violence can involve physical or sexual abuse, rape, emotional abuse and isolation, coercion, threats, intimidation, economic abuse, financial control, forced marriage and honour-based violence. It can happen online as well as offline. Women who experience...

FGM Prevention Week

Today marks the end of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Prevention Week. Launched by public health minister Jane Ellison, the week aims to raise awareness of the scale and impact of FGM, as well as drive home the ongoing need to protect women and girls from the harmful...

Report on CPS handling of serious sexual offences published

This week, Her Majesty’s Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate (HMCPSI) issued a report reviewing the Crown Prosecution Service’s handling of rape and other serious sexual offences. Key findings of the report showed that the CPS is insufficiently resourcing and...

VACANCY: Freelance Facilitator

Equation Freelance Facilitator Flexible working hours predominately during school hours and term times. There are no set hours with this post, the hours offered will vary according to the number of projects and the availability of the applicant. Salary: Scale Point...

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