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J9 – Creating safe spaces in the community

Would your organisation like to become a J9 Safe Space for survivors of domestic abuse?

Any business, organisation or community venue can become a J9 safe space. This is where people experiencing domestic abuse can safely and discreetly get information and use a phone to contact a support service.

Until the end of March 2025, Equation are offering free J9 training. This equips you and your business, to spot signs that someone might be experiencing domestic abuse and feel confident in knowing how to respond and signpost them to get help – discreetly, and safely.


Individual Ambassador training

Anyone in Nottinghamshire can participate in our J9 ambassador training. Once completed, you’ll receive a J9 badge and training resources, empowering you to support those experiencing domestic abuse by providing guidance, signposting to services, and offering access to a telephone.


To become a J9 Safe Space

Any organisation or business can become a J9 safe space and receive J9 branded signs, posters, and resources. For an organisation to achieve Safe Space status we ask that

  • More than 50% of your staff attend the J9 training
  • At least 1 senior member of staff must attend the J9 training
  • Your CEO or business owner agrees to become a J9 safe space

J9 training is most effective when all or most of your staff attend. Once completed, your business will receive resources and the J9 logo to display, letting those in need know that yours is a safe space.

If you’d like your organisation to become a safe space but you’re concerned you can’t meet the criteria, email us at and we’d be happy to discuss.



Why sign up?

  • There is no cost to you – training, guidance and resources are free for organisations in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire
  • Choose between online or face-to-face training sessions, where we can come to you and deliver training in your workplace
  • Quick and convenient – sessions are just 90 minutes
  • Be part of a nationwide response to domestic violence and abuse
  • Enhance your staff training and be part of a better response for anyone affected by domestic abuse

Choose from a session below

Do you need training tailored to meet your needs?

Equation has a strong background in delivering training tailored to the needs of your organisation. To discuss, drop us a message below.

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