Men's Health Week

Anybody can experience domestic violence, and anyone can be abuser. It doesn’t only happen to women– men can be abused too, whether their partner is a man or a woman.

From the 15th to the 21st of June is Men’s Health Week, which encourages men to think about healthy relationships and physical health. Abuse in relationships can have an enormous impact on the survivor’s mental and physical health.

Domestic abuse can take many forms, and doesn’t always involve physical violence. Emotional abuse– being belittled, isolated, threatened– can be equally damaging.

You can read more about kinds of abuse here.

For men experiencing domestic violence, it can be difficult to say they need help, or to know where to go to find support. Men may worry that they won’t be believed, or ashamed to say that they are experiencing abuse.

If you are experiencing abuse in your relationships, there are support networks where you will be believed and supported as you decide what to do.

The Men’s Advice Line offers practical information and advice, contact details for other organisations that will be able to help, as well as simply give you time and space to talk through what’s happening. Broken Rainbow is also available to provide support to men experiencing domestic violence in same-sex relationships. You can call all helplines as many times as you need to.

If you are in immediate danger, call the police on 999. The police will take incidents of domestic violence seriously.

Men’s Advice Line: 0808 801 0327

9AM-5PM, Monday to Friday

Broken Rainbow: 0300 999 5428

10AM-8PM Mondays & Thursdays; 10AM-5pm Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays

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