Choose Your Life: A Positive Guide For All Young Men


This high-quality and creative activity booklet for young men helps them identify the choices they have, including in relationships, and helps empower them to make positive choices. Choose Your Life can build young men’s self-esteem. It is particularly suitable for young men using abusive behaviour, experiencing or vulnerable to domestic abuse.

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What’s this about?

  • An activity booklet for young men that helps them identify the choices they have, including in relationships, and helps empower them to make positive choices.
  • Builds young men’s self-esteem through the theme of taking control of their lives.
  • Offers positive routes to exploring issues that are relevant to domestic abuse.

Who’s it for?

  • For professionals who work one-to-one with young men e.g. youth workers, YOT workers, social care, children’s centre workers.
  • Suitable for all young men aged 11+ as a self-esteem tool.
  • Particularly suitable for young men using abusive behaviour, experiencing or vulnerable to abuse.


  • Content and style tailored for young men and designed with their input.
  • Designed to be filled in and personalised to record experiences and plans.
  • Encourages careful self-reflection about emotions, choices and plans.
  • Gently introduces relationship themes in a positive, non-threatening way.
  • Helps support workers build relationships with the young person they are supporting
  • Activities can be customised to suit individual needs.
  • Refined by feedback from professionals

What do you think?
We use the feedback about our activity booklets to improve them over time. So, please, tell us what you think! We’d welcome your comments – please email them to or look inside.

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Weight 0.08 kg
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