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Domestic Homicide Review Hanover learning briefing – family abuse and vulnerabilities



Learning Briefing from DHR Hanover regarding familiar abuse and vulnerabilities, including points for agencies to consider when working with service users or clients with similar circumstances.

Familiar abuse was identified from the recent Domestic Homicide Review  – DHR Hanover, which was published on 1st July 2022 on the Open Data Nottingham website.

This DHR identified the following learning:

  • Recording where people are living, household composition and decision-making around those arrangements
  • Trigger factors, specifically regarding mental health needs including access to and engagement with support
  • Vulnerabilities of individuals and how this can impact on risk and exploitation
  • Understanding Risk Factors and how these can be managed and share amongst the relevant agencies.
  • Holistic view when reviewing cases and not looking at incidents in isolation.
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