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What is stalking?


Stalking is a pattern of unwanted, repeated behaviour that can leave you feeling scared or upset. You don’t have to be threatened with violence to be a victim of stalking. Any kind of persistent, unwanted contact that causes distress is still stalking and is unacceptable. Stalking can include:

  • Following you
  • Turning up unexpectedly or waiting for you
  • Contacting you without your permission, either in person, online, or through other people
  • Monitoring your location or your emails and messages
  • Sending unwanted gifts
  • Threatening you
  • Damaging your property


Sometimes stalking behaviours can seem small on their own. But when they’re combined into a pattern that follows FOUR: Fixated, Obsessed, Unwanted, Repeated: You should record it and report it before it escalates further. 


Is it domestic abuse?

If you are being stalked by a partner, ex or family member, this is domestic abuse. Local domestic abuse services can support you. If you are being stalked by someone who is NOT a partner, ex or family member, this is called non-domestic stalking and you can get support from the Nottinghamshire Stalking Advocacy Service.


The Nottinghamshire Stalking Advocacy Service

The Nottinghamshire Stalking Advocacy Service has specialist-trained advocates who provide high-quality support to victims of non-domestic abuse stalking. To use this service you must be 16 or above and live in Nottingham city or Nottinghamshire. 


If you are experiencing stalking then the Stalking Advocacy Service can

  • Assess risk using specialist tools 
  • Create a bespoke safety plan with you 
  • Identify and support your needs and wishes  
  • Support with reporting to the police  
  • Support with civil legal interventions  
  • Signpost to solicitors  
  • Support with housing applications  
  • Discuss your options with you
  • Provide emotional support and refer to counselling services
  • Advocate with other agencies 


The Stalking Advocacy Service aims to

  • Reduce risk and increase your safety  
  • Listen and believe you  
  • Increase confidence in reporting  
  • Advocate for and support your wishes  


The service works alongside Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire Children’s Social Care and Nottinghamshire Police who support younger victims of non-domestic stalking.

Don’t engage with your stalker

  • Any contact may encourage your stalker to continue with their behaviour.
  • Discourage your friends and family from challenging your stalker, this could put you or them at risk
  • Report incidents of stalking to the police by calling 999 or 101. Stalking is a crime.

How to get support


If you or someone you know is experiencing stalking, you can reach out to the Nottinghamshire Stalking Advocacy Service. If you’re referring someone else, it’s important to obtain their explicit consent beforehand. Professionals can refer individuals they’re working with as long as consent is provided.

If the person stalking you is your partner, ex or a family member, you should contact a local domestic abuse service instead. Visit our Get help section for more information.

  • Download and complete the referral form (you should be sure your emails and devices are not being monitored)
  • Call one of these local services and speak to a specialist
    • Juno Women’s Aid – for women living in Nottingham city and South Nottinghamshire
    • Nottinghamshire Women’s Aid – for women living in North Nottinghamshire (Bassetlaw, Mansfield, Newark and Sherwood)
    • Equation – for men over the age of 16 living in Nottingham city and Nottinghamshire on 0800 995 6999 – Mon – Fri 9.30am – 4.30pm (7.30pm on Wednesdays) – 24/7 confidential answerphone available outside these times
    • If you’re LGBTQ+ call whoever you feel is most appropriate

These services also offer support for domestic abuse, so you can call them if you’re being stalked by anyone, including a partner, ex or family member.

The Nottinghamshire Stalking Advocacy Service is coordinated by Nottinghamshire Women’s Aid.

Nottinghamshire Women’s Aid work in collaboration with Juno, Equation and Nottinghamshire Police to ensure appropriate services are available to everyone living in Nottinghamshire who is experiencing stalking, regardless of their gender, sexuality or location.


Castle Cavendish Works, Dorking Road, Nottingham, NG7 5PN

Equation is a trading name of Equation Nottinghamshire a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales.
Limited Company No 4517544 | Registered Charity No 1140240

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