How perpetrators of domestic abuse use technology

Price: Free to anyone working in Nottingham city or county – chargeable outside of these areas

Date: Choose from a range of available dates

Location: Online

Duration: 2.5hrs


About this course

We live our lives online, and although tech provides information and support, it also gives abusers more tools. From social media, online banking, and even takeaway food apps, to smart devices such as Alexa and video doorbells – all of these and many more, can be misused by an abuser, to track and control someone.

Learn how perpetrators use everyday tech in their abuse and the impact on the survivor during different parts of a relationship: before leaving, during escape, and in life apart. Discover some of the many tools to help protect survivors from tech abuse and recognise the signs.

The session takes a dive into how tech-facilitated abuse has advanced to the use of devices such as Google, Alexa, video doorbells and spyware, and looks at how to take control and be online safely.


After this training you’ll be able to

  • Identify the digital platforms a perpetrator might have access to
  • Recognise where and how potential tech abuse can take place
  • Understand how tech is used by a perpetrator during the different parts of a relationship (before leaving, escaping and life apart)
  • Help someone to secure digital platforms against potential tech abuse from a partner or ex-partner.


About our trainers

Equation trainers have an extensive background in supporting survivors of domestic abuse in a range of specialist provisions, as well as supporting children. 

Funded by

This session is funded by the Nottingham Community Safety Strategic Partnership and Nottinghamshire County Commissioners.

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