Understanding and Responding to Domestic Violence and Abuse


Price: FREE for Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire County workers

Date: Choose from a range of available dates when booking online

This one-day course aims to create a shared understanding of domestic violence and abuse among professionals working in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, and to increase appropriate responses.

Learning outcomes

  • Explore different aspects of domestic violence and abuse and its causes
  • Explore the myths and stereotypes of domestic violence
  • Examine the reasons why people stay and return to abusive relationships and
  • Consider the impact living with domestic violence has on survivors and children
  • It also enables participants to identify, develop and implement communication and support skills, such as asking about the presence of domestic violence and safety planning, considering risk and effective signposting

Understanding and Responding to Domestic Violence and Abuse is the starting point for professionals. Much of the focus of this course is on women and children’s experience of abuse from male perpetrators, however many of the tools and resources are applicable to anyone living with domestic violence.

It is preferable that this course is completed before accessing other Equation courses, but it is an essential pre-requisite to the following: Challenging Domestic Violence and Working with Children and Young People.



Funded by

Nottingham Crime and Drugs Partnership, Nottinghamshire Joint Commissioners, Bassetlaw District Council

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Upcoming Events

Due to the global Coronavirus pandemic, all our face to face training events have been cancelled.

In place of our usual day-long session Understanding and Responding to Domestic Abuse session, Equation has developed a 3 hour online training: Introduction to Domestic Abuse. The session is suitable for any worker or volunteer who has not previously attended domestic abuse training or who needs a refresher. View upcoming online dates here ->>

We are currently developing further digital alternatives. Please check back soon for updates or subscribe to our newsletter

Get in Touch

Got a question about our training? Use the form to get in touch, or email us on training@equation.org.uk

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to take part in our early intervention projects



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