19th- 23rd April is National Stalking Awareness Week.
1.5 million people experience stalking each year. During the first lockdown, National Stalking Advocacy service Paladin reported a 40% increase in requests for help; and with so many ways of communicating, incidences of cyber-stalking have increased.
A message from Equation’s Stalking Advocate
“Stalking destroys lives and can leave a deep psychological scar on the victim/s who are affected. We have worked with male survivors who have left employment, relocated to a new house, and considered suicide as a direct result of stalking.
“The impact of Covid-19 may restrict people’s movements during lockdown, but this has little impact on stalking perpetrators. It could be suggested that during Lockdown and whilst some perpetrators are furloughed, this gives them more time to ruminate and gather information to further stalk their victims via online platforms. Life may slow down with Covid-19, stalking does not.
“We know that stalking is underreported due to fear or the hope that things will get better. If you have concerns that you are being stalked, local help is available. We provide emotional, practical safety planning advice and support.”
Self-referrals can be made by calling the Stalking helpline numbers:
Women’s Helpline: 0808 800 0340 (operated by Juno Women’s Aid)
Men’s Helpline: 0115 960 5556 (operated by Equation)
You can take immediate action if you are being stalked by calling the police on 101 (non-emergency) or 999 if you are in immediate danger.
Stalking Facts
- Stalking is a pattern of repeated behaviour that causes distress or fear. It is fixated, obsessive, unwanted and repeated.
- It can include persistent contacting, following, loitering, threats, damage to property, and monitoring online communications.
- On average, it takes 100 instances before a victim reports stalking to police.
The Law
- The Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 created two new offences (section 2A and 4A), effectively identifying stalking as a criminal offence in English and Welsh Law.
- The Stalking Prevention Act 2019 introduced Stalking Protection Orders (SPO’s) enabling police to tackle so called ‘stranger stalking’ sooner and more effectively. They give the ability to impose restrictions and requirements on perpetrators and will carry a criminal penalty for those that breach them.
Training Sessions
Our expert virtual training sessions are for anyone who wants to develop their skills in responding to domestic abuse in their working life, including frontline professionals, community workers, private sector employers/employees, and volunteers. Our non-domestic abuse stalking sessions are a great way to get to know more.
Between January and March we trained 105 delegates on non-domestic abuse stalking. 99% of those that returned the survey rated the training excellent or good and all those returning the survey would recommend the course!
We have a wide range of dates available and as always these sessions are free to Nottingham city and county workers. Take action for stalking awareness week and sign up for a session now.
Stalking Cards now Available
Equation has launched new stalking cards, an additional resource available to order alongside our other materials here.
Further Information
Stalking Advice Service
Non-domestic abuse stalking awareness training
How you can help
No matter how much time, money or resources you can afford to give, your support will make a difference.
Give monthly
Could pay for four children
to take part in our early intervention projects
Give once
Could pay for one primary school child to receive our healthy relationship education program
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