Equation Launch New Suite of Training Sessions

Equation Launch New Suite of Training Sessions

This week we are excited to announce the next step in our journey towards building a society free from domestic abuse, sexual violence and gender inequality: the launch of our new suite of Twilight training sessions. As an Equation supporter you will likely already be...

Putting VAWG on the Election Agenda

Putting VAWG on the Election Agenda

Persistently high levels of domestic violence, rape, sexual harassment, forced marriage and FGM mean that these issues should be a priority for every candidate in the upcoming General Election on June 8th. EVAW have put together a useful toolkit to locate and contact...

Make Sure You’re Registered to Vote

Make Sure You’re Registered to Vote

With less than two weeks left until the deadline to register to vote, we know there will be many people in Nottinghamshire who are not currently signed up. You don't need us to tell you what a hard-fought-for right voting is, especially for women, following the...

Anonymous Voter Registration

Anonymous Voter Registration

With the news of the upcoming general election, the issue of anonymous voter registration has again come to the fore. Nottinghamshire Rape Crisis Centre have led the way in campaigning on this locally, with huge achievements being made in terms of their consultation...

Stalkers are Avoiding Custodial Sentences

Stalkers are Avoiding Custodial Sentences

New figures from the Ministry of Justice reveal that offenders convicted of stalking or harassment who repeatedly breach their restraining orders often escape with fines and non-custodial sentences. Politicians and victim support groups warn that lives are being put...

Activist Guide for Local Elections

Activist Guide for Local Elections

EVAW (The End Violence Against Women Coalition) has launched an ‘activist pack‘ to help anyone who wants to campaign on violence against women and girls find and approach candidates in the 4 May local elections. On 4 May 2017 there are elections in many parts of the...

Two Thirds of Women in Refuges Have Their Children With Them

Two Thirds of Women in Refuges Have Their Children With Them

The national domestic abuse charity Women’s Aid is highlighting the number of mothers and children living in domestic abuse refuges, releasing startling new statistics from its Annual Survey 2016. The Women’s Aid Annual Survey 2016 found that: ● On a typical day, two...

WAIS Survivors Create Historic Change in Legal Aid Across the UK

WAIS Survivors Create Historic Change in Legal Aid Across the UK

Women's Aid Integrated Services are pleased to announce that the courage and contribution of WAIS service users has brought about a major change in the legal aid system throughout the UK. This will affect every woman going through the family law courts who has...

Tougher Sentences for So-Called ‘Revenge Porn’

Tougher Sentences for So-Called ‘Revenge Porn’

The devastating effects of sharing sexual images without consent can never be underestimated, so it is welcome news that the Sentencing Council have launched a consultation on proposed rules for judges and magistrates when punishing so-called 'revenge porn'...

Safeguarding Children & Young People Training

Safeguarding Children & Young People Training

The Nottingham City Safeguarding Children Board is delivering training sessions on Safeguarding Children and Young People from Child Sexual Exploitation.  The aim of the course is to increase awareness of child sexual exploitation amongst staff who work directly with...

Sex & Relationships Education to be Made Compulsory

Sex & Relationships Education to be Made Compulsory

We welcome the news that sex and relationships education is to be made compulsory in all schools in England. The Education Secretary Justine Greening recently confirmed this policy shift following months of campaigning from charities and MPs. The current curriculum is...

Equation Welcomes Government Commitment to Tackle Abuse

Equation Welcomes Government Commitment to Tackle Abuse

Equation welcomes and fully supports Theresa May's recent announcement that she is to directly oversee work to develop a new law to tackle domestic violence. The Prime Minister has stated she wishes to end the current 'unacceptable' situation which sees some areas of...

How you can help

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Give monthly

Could pay for four children
to take part in our early intervention projects


Give once

Could pay for one primary school child to receive our healthy relationship education program

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