Equation’s Statement on Netflix Adolescence March 2025
Equation’s Statement on Netflix Adolescence March 2025 Netflix’ Adolescence shines a much-needed spotlight on the roots and consequences of rising Incel culture. While online influencers preying on the insecurities of young men has an undeniable part to play,...
Why awareness of additional barriers is key to supporting domestic abuse survivors
Why awareness of additional barriers is key to supporting domestic abuse survivors In this blog, we’re taking a look at why domestic abuse survivors with specific, additional barriers often remain ‘hidden’ and how we can better support them. While domestic...
Navigating the housing crisis in Nottinghamshire: options for survivors of domestic and sexual violence and abuse
Navigating the housing crisis in Nottinghamshire: options for survivors of domestic and sexual violence and abuse Nottinghamshire is facing a profound housing crisis. In Nottingham City alone, over 10,000 people are on the housing waiting list, with demand...
Equation launch pet fostering service for men escaping abuse
Equation launch pet fostering service for men escaping abuse For anyone escaping domestic abuse and leaving their home, there’s a lot to navigate. But what if you have pets? In homes where abuse is happening, the fear of what might happen to pets can stop...
Volunteer – Resource distribution
Volunteer - Resource distribution Location: Either in our Nottingham office or from home Salary: Voluntary with expenses paid Hours: Example: Minimum of 2 hours a week. Hours can be worked flexibly to suit your schedule. About the role Equation is looking...
Domestic violence and abuse in rural areas: How professionals and communities can save lives
Domestic violence and abuse in rural areas: How professionals and communities can save lives Domestic abuse affects people across all demographics, but living in a more rural area presents unique challenges that can keep people stuck in dangerous situations. In...
RSE Day 2024: Concerns about Draft Government RSE Guidance for Schools
RSE Day takes place today and has a strong history of celebrating the positive impact that Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) has on the lives of children and young people. To mark RSE Day 2024, we’re sharing our concerns on the proposed changes to the Statutory...
Hidden Dangers: How children’s toys can become tools of domestic abuse
We live our lives online, and although tech provides information and support to survivors of domestic abuse, it also gives perpetrators more ways to track and control someone. Here, we’re taking a look at how children’s ‘smart toys’ can be used by perpetrators....
Equation is Hiring | Freelance Healthy relationships Educator (Prevention)
Freelance Healthy relationships Educator (Prevention) Location: Throughout Nottinghamshire and within our Nottingham city centre office Salary: £13.50, rising to £15.06 Hours: Flexible, on a self-employed basis, during school hours and term times, with a commitment...
A Week in the Life of a Freelance Healthy Relationships Educator
Delivering sessions for Equation is always a dynamic experience, and the week begins with a bit of prep. The week before each round of sessions, I head into the office in the City to gather all the materials I’ll need for my upcoming projects. I double-check my...
A day in the life of a Your Choice Project Interventions Worker
Our Your Choice Project delivers a programme of support for anyone wanting to stop using abusive behaviours in their relationships Take a look at the typical day of one of our Intervention workers. Find out more or get in touch Find out...
Meet the team – Your Choice Project
Meet the team - Your Choice Project The Your Choice Project is a voluntary behavioural change programme here at Equation. It’s for adults who want help to stop using abusive behaviour towards a current or ex-partner or someone in their family. Come and...
How you can help
No matter how much time, money or resources you can afford to give, your support will make a difference.
Give monthly
Could pay for four children
to take part in our early intervention projects
Give once
Could pay for one primary school child to receive our healthy relationship education program
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