
Our expert training is here to equip you with everything you need to respond to domestic abuse and sexual violence. Whatever your role, Equation can help you develop your professional skills, spot the signs, take the right action, and support those affected.


Learn with our range of free online or face to face sessions. We’ve a wide range of topics but we recommend starting with our Understanding and Responding to Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence: Overview of referral pathways as further training refers back to learnings from these sessions. 

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Do you need training tailored to meet your needs?

Equation has a strong background in delivering full and half day training sessions and can develop bespoke training programs tailored specifically to the needs of your agency or required area of development. Email


On-demand training

Online training and educational content relating to domestic abuse and sexual violence. Available to view anytime. 

Briefings and Bespoke Training

Find out more about our available briefings and bespoke training programs designed for ‘in-house’ delivery. Now available for remote delivery. 

Seminars & Webinars


Equation host seminars and webinars for workers in Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire county that embed learning from the latest research and studies at the forefront of this field. 

Introductory Training

Introduction to domestic abuse for workers and volunteers: 20 Mins, Access Anytime
A basic introduction to domestic abuse for workers and volunteers in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire during the COVID-19 restrictions.

Economic Abuse in the Context of Domestic Abuse

Interview with Dr. Nicola-Sharp Jeffs from Surviving Economic Abuse. It provides an insightful overview of Economic Abuse and highlights the key resources and referral points.

More From Equation

How you can help

No matter how much time, money or resources you can afford to give, your support will make a difference. 


Give monthly

Could pay for four children
to take part in our early intervention projects


Give once

Could pay for one primary school child to receive our healthy relationship education program

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